Volunteer opportunities.
At Canyon Concert Ballet we have something for everyone who is interested in putting in some volunteer hours. From stage handwork, to sewing costumes or carpentry work, we can keep our friends and families busy!
The following list is a sampling of some activities we often seek volunteers for:
sewing/costume repair and alterations
costume washer
transporting heavy set pieces/pickup truck drivers or providers
light carpentry work
wall painting
studio repairs, wall patching, removing carpet stains, replacing flourescent lightbulbs
stuffing envelopes, affixing labels
runner during productions
backstage monitors – help children get ready to go on stage
teach mini-workshops to parents in “Bun Trixx”
stage hands
ushers/ticket-takers at special events
ballet boutique sellers and helpers
servers during Nutcracker tea parties and other fundraisers
homemade cookies/goodies baked for events
provide cases of drinking water for dancers during productions
Street Team members who distribute posters around the region
ad sales to local businesses
If you don’t see your skills or talents represented above – call us!! We might have just the thing for YOU!!
If you’re interested in volunteering with Canyon Concert Ballet, please contact us at info@ccballet.org, or inquire in the office next time you are at the studio.