Canyon Concert Ballet School Scholarship Progams

Canyon Concert Ballet (CCB) is a non-profit ballet company and dance academy that strives to offer the highest quality dance instruction to all students who wish to learn the art of dance. CCB has established a limited number of needs-based scholarships which are available to current and potential students. We have many scholarship categories including Financial Aid Scholarships, Compassion Scholarships, Diversity Scholarships, Scholarships for children in the Larimer County Foster Program and Work-Trade programs.

Applicants will be evaluated and scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria: 

  • CCB dance scholarships are open to any student. However, priority is given to dancers participating in Pre-Ballet 1-3, Ballet Levels 1-7, CCB2, and Company members.  

  • Applicants must complete a scholarship application form to be considered.

  • Scholarship applicants must demonstrate long-term interest in dance education. 

Recipient Expectations.

  • Scholarship students are expected to uphold the highest standards of class etiquette as outlined in the CCB Student Handbook. Attendance should be maintained at 80%. 

  • Students typically receive scholarship assistance for a maximum of three years. A new application must be submitted and approved annually. 

  • CCB cannot exist without a large volunteer base.  Students and their parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer for CCB activities at least once during the scholarship period. 

  • If any of the expectations are not met, a scholarship may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the School Director and/or the Scholarship Committee.  


  • Applications will be accepted two weeks prior to the beginning of each term (Fall and Spring).    

  • Please complete the Application for Scholarship and submit it to the main office in a sealed envelope with the Dancer’s first and last name written on the outside. Applications will be forwarded to the School Director and Scholarship Committee for determination. 

  • All applicants meeting the above criteria, and who have submitted a completed application as stated below no later than the due date specified for the term will be considered for scholarship.

  • Notification to recipients will be made via email.

Additional Notes.

  • The number and monetary amount of scholarships will be awarded depending on the scholarship funds available.

  • The School Director and Scholarship Committee will determine, in their best judgment and discretion, which students present the strongest case for need of a scholarship, given the above criteria.

  • The Scholarship will be applied to tuition for enrollment in any class. 

  • The Scholarship does not cover the Registration Fee, Spring Showcase Costume Fees or participation fees for The Nutcracker or other performance opportunities. These fees must be paid according to the communicated schedule. Ensemble fees and participation are not eligible for scholarships.

  • Scholarship Applications will be kept confidential and will be kept on file in the Administration Office.

Scholarships have closed for 2024/2025 school year